Optimising truck space and labour efficiency

We all know the importance of getting a truck pack right for all those who have ever had to load and unload a truck. An extensive selection of “truck-friendly” road case sizing goes a long way to getting the truck pack right the first time. In addition, in an industry where staff numbers have been depleted by the pandemic, with some, sadly, never to return, businesses must improve their labour efficiencies. The new range of Encore Mother Trucker Packers makes it a much simpler task to plan and execute a truckload for the upcoming gig.  The result is time-saving for the bump-in and load-out plus the inevitable improved use of truck space.


Figure 1

The new Encore Mother Trucker Packers are built with ball corner-to-ball corner dimensions to suit the Australian internal truck tray width of 2400mm (+/-20mm). There are five combinations of Mother Trucker dimensions that fit across a truck bed; ie 4 x 600mm, 3 x800mm, 2 x 1200mm, (1600mm + 800mm) and (1800mm + 600mm).

There are then two standard heights – 550mm and 810mm - that allow a combination of height stacking to achieve consistent levels between the two (eg 3 x 550mmH case stack = 2 x 810mmH case stack).

The Mother Trucker packers give us a great range of sizes as the basis for Encore case fit-outs or fully custom Ovation cases to be made for specific products. Of course, the Mother Trucker dimensions will not suit every product(s), but we will do our best to match these footprint dimensions wherever possible when building a custom case.

If you want a time-efficient load-in and load-out of the show equipment combined with the best use of truck volume, choose the Encore Mother Trucker Packers as the basis of your road case solution.

See how you could theoretically fit 92 various-sized Mother Trucker Packers in a standard 12 tonne Pantech with internal pan dimensions of 7.2mL x 2.4mW x 2.25mH (Featured Video and Figure 1 & 2).


Figure 2
