Trade Show Shift: TAG Explores DQ Custom Case Solution
In a ground-breaking move, TAG, renowned for its distinctive globe-and-star exhibit at trade shows over the past three decades, reveals a revolutionary redesign to tackle a persistent logistical headache. TAG CEO Anthony Russo, reveals that the iconic globe, long adored by attendees, posed significant challenges during transportation and storage. Previously, the globe required elaborate bubble wrapping and a labour-intensive setup involving six personnel. Due to its considerable height, the exhibit can only travel upright and is exclusively transportable in TAG’s Pantech electric truck. Determined to streamline the process, TAG entrusted the design challenge to DQ, resulting in a game-changing solution.
The solution? A meticulously crafted Ovation Case, engineered to accommodate the unique shape of the globe with precision CNC-cut foam. This custom case not only ensures the safety of the globe but also simplifies transportation and setup. By splitting the globe into halves, each securely nestled in its dedicated compartment, TAG has eliminated the need for excessive manpower and minimised the risk of damage during transit. Furthermore, the team at TAG spared no expense, enlisting the expertise of top airbrush artists in Sydney to embellish the globe, ensuring its visual appeal remains as captivating as ever.
However, the innovation doesn’t stop there. Recognising the challenge posed by the accompanying star, TAG and DQ devised a clever solution: a bespoke clamshell case that effortlessly houses the star in three parts. This ingenious design not only facilitates easy handling but also reduces setup time and manpower requirements. With this breakthrough, TAG has not only addressed a longstanding logistical hurdle but has also set a new standard for efficiency and innovation in trade show exhibits.
Ovation Cases are locally manufactured in our Auburn manufacturing facility. Talk to us today about creating an Ovation Case solution. Creating your best case scenario here.